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Join us for the 2025 Asheville Christian Writers Conference

   February 21, 22, and 23, 2025



The Asheville Christian Writers Conference is not just a writers’ conference – it’s a ministry. Our job is to take new and seasoned writers and help them recognize their calling to write, then to help train them in the skills they’ll need to pursue a writing career. Each year, we pray for God to send those He’d have to attend this conference, and each year, this conference sells out. 

Housed at the Cove, the Billy Graham Training Center in Asheville, North Carolina, ACWC is a warm and inviting atmosphere for the new writer and a challenge for the seasoned writer. From the accommodations to the meals and the meeting facilities, conferees are welcomed, cared for, and prayed over. ACWC is special in every way. Join us for this packed weekend of worship, learning, and new writing peers. We can’t wait to meet you face-to-face.


The Asheville Christian Writers Conference is not a level of writing – it’s a battle cry.

God calls us to step up and answer with the best work possible using the talents He has given. We are called together to focus our hearts on the task Christ assigned us . . . to strengthen our ties with one another and hone our craft of writing so we might effectively spread the Word of God through fiction and non-fiction books, screenplays, scripts, articles, and blogs.

ACWC is not a level of writing – it’s a battle cry.

Join us and let your writing voice be heard.


Past attendees have gone on to write for: 

Inspire A Fire

Christian Devotions

  Upper Room

Other attendees have received book contracts from Iron Stream Media, Thomas Nelson, Tyndale, Bold VisionElk Lake, and other book publishers. 










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Welcome to the 2025 Asheville Christian Writers Conference - August update

8/18/2024 8:45:00 PM BY Cindy Sproles

Teaching an old dawg new tricks!

Hey Everybody,

Let me begin by saying WELCOME, and guess what? You get to learn new tricks right along with me. I hope that brings you a few laughs along the way since I have moved our email to Mailerlite, and I'm giving it a try. IT'S NEW! And we all know NEW means learning something. So, you get to stumble along with me. Best of luck. LOL. Oh, we'll figure it out, but in the meantime, we're trying to teach an old dawg a new trick.

I wanted to welcome you aboard. I am thrilled that we are already filling our slots. On campus housing is at the halfway point, so if you have friends who are thinking about attending the conference in February who may want to have on-campus housing, encourage them to register now. 

My right-hand gal is Terri Kelly. We work together to make this the best conference in the world.

Many of you here are returning. WELCOME BACK. It thrills me that you want to return. But so we are all on the same page, I want to lay out how these emails work.

1) Save [email protected] and [email protected] into your contacts so that these emails do not go into your trash or spam.  This is our only way to communicate with you, so it's important you make us "safe" in your browser and email so you are up-to-date.

2) These emails will come periodically through December (as we see a need), but at least one a month. Then, in January, you'll begin to receive weekly emails for seven weeks. Those emails will have vital reminders and updates so open and read them.

3) You will see repetition in the emails. This is because, there are new folks signing up weekly. They need the information as well. Just because it looks like you've seen the information, don't discount it. Read through the email. There will be new things added as well.

4) When I type ALL CAPS! I'm not shouting at you or fussing at you. THIS IS ONE TIME CAPS DRAW YOUR ATTENTION TO IMPORTANT THINGS. So, please, don't think I'm talking down to you, or screaming at you, but the truth of the matter is (and any director will tell you this. Just ask Linda Gilden, Edie Melson, Edwina Perkins, Eva Marie Everson, and Terri Kelly) -- that so many folks don't read the emails and then they send us notes asking questions that are already answered. My ALL CAPS are simply to call your attention to things that folks over look. Don't get mad at me. It's not meant to be an insult. (Shew, that's outta the way now!)

5) I send two emails for every newsletter. This one. One from my email list on my computer, and to be sure you see information, I post it on the website under NEWSLETTERS. You can always find the current information if you go to the website.

6) Help us help you. Everything you need to know is on the site. Currently, 96% of the information is updated. We still have a couple of faculty and their classes that are not listed under faculty yet, but that is because Celebration Web Design is working to make some updates to our Faculty insertion software. So, I can't add them yet. But, give me a second, and I'll tell you who they are.

You can help us by reading the site and following the instructions that are listed. Start there. If you have trouble, then Terri and I are available to help. 



Terri and I went out on a limb this year. We have a number of returning conferees this year and we felt it was important to add a couple more to our faculty to meet the needs of the conferees. We are trusting in God's provision that our financial needs will be met. You can begin by praying for that. Give me another minute and I'll fill you in there as well.

We are adding the amazing Zena Dell Lowe. Many of you don't know Zena, but let me say this, start now by going to and listening to her podcasts. They are free and well...stupendous.

We are also adding the wonderful, Twila Belk. Twila is not only funny, but she is a wonderful teacher. I will get these ladies added as soon as the site software updates are complete.

Finally, Martin Wiles, our Christian Devotions Editor. Martin heads up our site and does a tremendous job.

We are a small conference, but folks, you have some of the nation's top writers and agents attending to guide you. like Eva Marie Everson, DiAnn Mills, and Bob Hostetler. We may be small, but we are mighty.


CONCERNING SCHOLARSHIPS - WE HAVE TWO LEFT. The remainder has been assigned.


Well, if you know me and Eddie Jones, then you know this conference is part of the ministry of Christian Devotions Ministries. The ministry is 19 years old this year. Prayer takes the lead here. We are asking you now, to pray daily for us. Please take this seriously. Pray that God will send those He would have attend this conference and that He will help us and our faculty, help you hear and act on His call to you to write.

This is all for now. You'll be getting more soon. Hang in there. Pray steadfastly. Seek His will for this conference. And when you see buttons that say button, just know I have no clue how to get rid of them. :) Oh, wait! I just found how to turn off  BUTTON. Yay! Terri and I will be in touch.


Cindy Sproles


Countdown to Conference


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