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Join us for the 2025 Asheville Christian Writers Conference

   February 21, 22, and 23, 2025



The Asheville Christian Writers Conference is not just a writers’ conference – it’s a ministry. Our job is to take new and seasoned writers and help them recognize their calling to write, then to help train them in the skills they’ll need to pursue a writing career. Each year, we pray for God to send those He’d have to attend this conference, and each year, this conference sells out. 

Housed at the Cove, the Billy Graham Training Center in Asheville, North Carolina, ACWC is a warm and inviting atmosphere for the new writer and a challenge for the seasoned writer. From the accommodations to the meals and the meeting facilities, conferees are welcomed, cared for, and prayed over. ACWC is special in every way. Join us for this packed weekend of worship, learning, and new writing peers. We can’t wait to meet you face-to-face.


The Asheville Christian Writers Conference is not a level of writing – it’s a battle cry.

God calls us to step up and answer with the best work possible using the talents He has given. We are called together to focus our hearts on the task Christ assigned us . . . to strengthen our ties with one another and hone our craft of writing so we might effectively spread the Word of God through fiction and non-fiction books, screenplays, scripts, articles, and blogs.

ACWC is not a level of writing – it’s a battle cry.

Join us and let your writing voice be heard.


Past attendees have gone on to write for: 

Inspire A Fire

Christian Devotions

  Upper Room

Other attendees have received book contracts from Iron Stream Media, Thomas Nelson, Tyndale, Bold VisionElk Lake, and other book publishers. 










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January 18 Updates and Extended Learning

1/18/2025 11:25:00 AM BY Cindy K. Sproles

I started to introduce you to Lucky Dog Rooster, but he's anything but CHICKEN, even though he is a chicken--he's not chicken.
Oh, anyway. Don't be a chicken. Enter the devo contest. And YES! All the information is on the website HERE. You will have to scroll down the page to the Kingdom Contest, but everything you need to enter is there. DON'T BE A CHICKEN! The deadline is almost here.
Extended learning for the week of January 19 - Thanks to the amazing Denise Loock we have a blog post of extended learning entitled, Earn and Keep Your Reader's Trust. Oh, this is good! So roll on over to the website to our blog. Always give credit where credit is due and to quote Denise. "When in doubt, leave it out!" This is an excellent post, especially this day in time when copywriting infringements happen all the time, and writers pay a huge price.
CLICK HERE for Extended Learning
Email Communication - I am finding more and more folks are putting additional security on their email. I get it. I get junk all the time. Some are adding extra steps for us to communicate with you, i.e., fill out this request. It's not one or two. It's several of you. I do fill these out but know that sometimes you get the email, and sometimes you don't. I have no control over your email security and whether it works properly.
If you have email security that forces a second step to fill out a request, it may be best to keep checking the website's NEWSLETTER page. Every newsletter is posted there. Our communication with you is vital. I send these newsletters via mass email, Mailerlite, and on the website. It's up to you to choose which way best keeps you connected.
Remember, you can miss important information. So, check the website, check your spam, LET ME IN! I can only do so much.
Our accommodations at the Cove - We are still waiting for confirmation on which of the two hotels on campus we will be staying in. I'll be in touch with Angel, our planner, this week. The Cove has been housing responders and Samaritan's Purse volunteers who have been involved in clean-up after Helene. So, we patiently wait and step to the side for them to do what God has asked of them. As soon as I get the hotel location on campus, I'll fill you in.
ARRIVAL TIME - Early bird classes begin at 1 p.m. on Friday, the 21st. Please DO NOT arrive earlier than 11:30 a.m. Don't bring your bags in. Leave them in your car. Check-in isn't until 3 p.m., and you'll have time to get your room key before dinner.
YOU MUST HAVE YOUR BADGE: We will set up a welcome table and conference check-in table (Location to be announced), but here's what happens. So pay attention.
Our conference takes place on the 3rd floor of the Training Center. When you walk into the training Center you will see our sign by the elevator doors. Take the elevator to the 3rd floor. There, you'll be welcomed by Bennie Jones and Wendy Leech, our Bookstore gals and conference greeters.
Here's the part you have to pay attention to: You must have your name badge to go anywhere in the Training Center. It is your security identification, your meal ticket, and your permission to enter the 3rd floor. Without it, the sweet little invisible Cove eagle eyes become very visible and will stop you and request you get your nametag. In other words, you won't get very far in the Training Center without that nametag.
We'll have your nametags at our welcome desk. Andrea Merrell and Denise Loock are usually (I haven't asked them yet, so I am hoping when they read this, they agree! Nothing like pressure, right?) at our welcome desk. They have your nametags, any conference info we have for you, and your printed schedules. You must get that nametag before you go to the Training Center. Once you have that, you can go to the TC (Training Center) and head to the 3rd floor.
There are two meeting rooms. The main room and the back room. They are literally back-to-back. Room A and B. Come off the elevator and walk straight down the halls on the left or right into the auditorium (all roads lead to the auditorium). If you are going to the back meeting room B continue to walk past the front stage and to the left or write (You like that pun? :)0 ) through the curtains and into the back meeting room B. Our faculty are used to folks moving in and out during their teaching, so if you need Meeting room B, just keep walking whether the faculty is teaching or not. YOU HAVE PERMISSION.
At our check-in desk: Andrea and Denise will have liability forms for you to sign (per our event insurance demand). You'll sign that, get your name tag, grab any goodies there for you, and then head to the TC. We have lanyards that you can clip your badge to if you like. At the end of the conference, we'll ask that you leave your name tag holder and lanyard in our basket. We like to recycle. The Cove will reuse the badge holders, and we reuse the lanyards next year. Andrea and Denise can answer most questions. Our conference is 18 years old, so we are pretty much a well-oiled wheel.
THE THINGS WE HATE TO TALK ABOUT: Yep, there's always that one thing we hate to discuss. It's not only the elephant in the room, but it's a hard subject to address. We do expect our conferees and faculty to behave their very best. We expect respect to be given to any and all who are at the Cove and our conference. We also ask that any visiting with one another be done in the lobby of the hotel or training center. Gentlemen, do not enter a ladies' hotel room and ladies adhere to this same request by not entering a gentleman's hotel room. We always hope that our conferees keep this respect in mind. Conferences (not us, thank goodness), but others have experienced sexual misconduct, harassment, and mistreatment. If you feel, in any way, that another conferee, faculty member, or Cove staff member has stepped over that sexual harassment line, come to me, Terri, or Eddie immediately. This is not the time to be ashamed or bashful. We cannot help you six months down the road. You must come to us immediately so we are able to handle the situation. Practice the rule Billy Graham himself lived by, never be in the presence with a member of the opposite sex unless there is a third person available. Just don't put yourself in the situation.
There, let me take a deep breath and exhale. That's done.
Don't Be A Chicken!
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. John 14:27 ESV
We tease a lot at our conference. We want you to loosen up, relax, and enjoy the conference. You don't learn as much when you're so intent and intense. At the Asheville Christian Writers Conference, we want you to learn to chill -- on purpose.
I find fear can be colder than a harsh winter wind. This is easy for me to say because I've always been a fearful person. Now, that doesn't mean I walk around with a loaded gun or that I won't stick my head out of my door. It simply means fear causes me to hesitate. The voices of that snide little word slip in, and I hear it whisper, "You aren't good enough." "Don't bother, you can't do it."
Fear is a very real thing, so when I posted my chicken stapler (thank you Ane Mulligan, amazing writer friend) and said, "Don't be a chicken," it was because I realized how debilitating fear can be. So many times, we miss a great opportunity because we begin to listen to the harsh whispers of doubt.
Don't be afraid. Jesus spent a lot of time telling His disciples not to be afraid. Trust. I so love the book of John. It's probably my favorite. In John 14, Jesus continually offers encouragement and guidance. But it is encouraging and comforting when Jesus finally speaks out on fear. Look at this: Peace I leave with you; my peace I GIVE YOU. Jesus gave YOU, HIS peace. The same peace that comforted Him on the cross when we didn't think comfort could be found. And if that's not enough, He says, don't let your heart be troubled. In other words, don't worry. And don't be afraid.
When I say step out and enter a contest, I know that for some, this may cause you to turn into a block of ice. Don't. Be. Afraid. You have the peace of Christ. Step out of your comfort zone. Mingle with other conferees, chat, and enter a contest. Just don't be afraid.
Much Love,

Countdown to Conference


The Sparrow Book Contest

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