2025 Classes

2025 Classes Will be available by mid-summer



Edie Melson  2025

Hows and Whys of Social Media – Many writers, mistakenly assume it’s either too late or too early to build a solid social media presence. Edie will walk you through the reason social media is non-negotiable for almost all writers and how to find a way to make it work for your specific situation. Included will be information on why we need a social media presence before we get a contract. Which networks work best for which audience (and why you need to be active on more than one). How to use scheduling programs to keep your social media time commitment manageable. How to compose effective updates that increase shares. What you need to know to connect with your book’s potential audience. 


Billy Wayne Arrington 2025

Script Writing - Performing arts are great outlets for writers to express themselves and influence pop culture. This is especially prevalent with scriptwriting. Scriptwriting is utilized for stage, screen, radio, and social media. Learn how to bring ideas and stories to life by developing intriguing plots and inspiring characters. Turn your written works into live presentations.


Twila Belk 2025 

The Working Writer – Few authors make a living from writing books alone. The rest of us who want to be working writers need to diversify. In this class, we’ll discuss potential streams of income, the importance of connections, business practices, and self-care for working writers. We’ll also include plenty of tips and ideas.

The Basics and Beyond (Or How to Get Published) – In this workshop, we’ll discuss terminology, resources, industry relationships, opportunities, where to start, how to keep it going, and more. 


Bob Hostetler 2025

The Proposal-Driven Life - Writing a successful book proposal, using real-life samples of proposals that sold.  

The Art of the Query - What is a query letter or email? What to query. Who to query. Why query? How to write a “killer” query letter..


Edwina Perkins 2025

Sensitivity and Diversity in Manuscripts – The number of books with ethnic characters has risen over the last few years. Because publishing houses are looking for more diversity in what authors are submitting, non-ethnic writers need to address some important issues when it pertains to diversity in their manuscripts. This workshop addresses writing about a culture outside of your own and the need for sensitivity readers.


Eva Marie Everson 2025

Those All-Important First Pages – What is the first thing a prospective editor, agent, or reader sees? Your first pages. In this workshop, Eva Marie will take you through the first pages works of both fiction and nonfiction to show you what works . . . and what doesn't. 

Lynette Eason  2025

Is it Time for An Agent – In this class, we’ll discuss when the proper time is for you to seek an agent. You’ll learn how to submit, what to submit when to submit – even why you submit to an agent. There is a process and an appropriate time. An agent can’t sell what isn’t written.


DiAnn Mills 2025

Developing Deep Point of View – Point of view plays a critical role in every story. One character experiences the scene, and that character takes center stage. The character filters every word of the scene through his/her sensory perception and emotions. This allows the writer to pave the way for the reader to live the scene vicariously through the eyes of the character. In this workshop, writers will learn how to incorporate Deep POV and distance to add power to their story. Handouts Provided.


Carol Tetzlaff 2025

Cautious to Confident - Marketing in Your Strengths – If marketing your books feels like a daunting task this workshop will guide you to reach your ideal reader and boost your book sales. Whether you’re trying to build a platform to win over an agent or you have a book in print and need to learn how to best grow your reach and sales, this workshop is for you!

In this session, we will break down the marketing process into easy-to-follow steps to showcase your unique abilities and connect with your audience authentically. Say goodbye to overwhelming strategies and hello to creativity and purpose! By the end of the session, you'll not only have a complete audit of your current platform but also a clear understanding of your next best step. Armed with these insights and powerful tools, you'll be well-equipped to market your message with confidence!

Overcome Writer's Block and Craft Compelling Content – Are you a writer struggling with the frustrations of feeling stuck in your creative process? Do time constraints, elusive ideas, or a lack of motivation hinder your ability to produce captivating content?
In this interactive session, we will dive into practical tips to navigate through the hurdles of the writing process. Learn how to set achievable goals, generate innovative ideas, and reignite your passion for writing. Discover the secrets to crafting a seamless manuscript that captivates readers from start to finish with engaging introductions, powerful hooks, smooth transitions, and impactful conclusions.
Whether you're a seasoned writer seeking fresh inspiration or a beginner looking to enhance your skills, this workshop is designed to empower you with the tools needed to organize your thoughts effectively and structure your content for maximum impact.


Pepper Basham 2025

CANVA – How to for Writers – This early bird class will address how to use basic Canva for developing memes, posters, announcements, etc.

Developing Characters that Readers Love – Learn how to develop characters that not only keep your readers up at night (in a good way), but characters that stick with the readers long after the book is closed.

Sarah Loudin Thomas 2025

SETTING AS CHARACTER - Appalachia is practically its own character in my novels. We'll talk about how a place can add depth to a story. How do you choose your setting? How do you bring it to life? How much research should you do? We'll answer those questions and others you might have about bringing your setting to life. 


Vincent Davis 2025

Book Launch Myths and What You Should Do Instead – There are a few things we’re all told we need to do around a launch. Pre-orders, reviews, sales, and best seller’s lists, the list of tips is endless. But many of these common industry tropes are outdated or aren’t grounded in what works with Amazon’s algorithms in the first place. In this class, you’ll learn what strategies and tips really work to make your launch as successful as possible and avoid actions that are unhelpful or downright hurtful to your book’s long-term sales success.


Zena Dell Lowe 2025

Finding Your Story – The choice of what story to tell is the most important decision you will make as a writer. Don't waste valuable time and energy on a story that won't get published or produced. Is your story character driven? Is it marketable? Is it expensive? Are you "milking your genre"? We will discuss personal and marketplace factors you should consider in choosing what story to tell, and how to apply the “Hollywood formula” to your story.

The Essentials of Great Dialogue – Dialogue can make or break a story. Do you find yourself wishing your dialogue was a little spicier and a little less contrived and drab? Whether you’re a screenwriter or a novelist, this course will teach the essential elements of great dialogue and give practical tools you can apply immediately to make your dialogue sharp.


One-on-One Mentoring – 2025  MENTORING APPOINTMENTS will open in August 2025

Larry Leech, Edie Melson, Lori Marett, Billy Wayne Arrington, Linda Gilden, Andrea Merrell, Denise Loock, and Terri Kelly serve as mentors. Most all will be available for private appointments.

Mentoring spots are open to writers with novel or non-fiction manuscripts.